
Frisia-Netherlands conflict

‘Frisia-Nederland conflict’ is based on the book 'Het zijn net mensen', written by Joris Luyendijk. This book is about objectivity, or to be more precise: the impossibility of being objective. On page 141, Luyendijk compares the Israel–Palestine conflict with the hypothetical Frisia–Netherlands conflict. The name Frisia is based on the northern Dutch province of Friesland. The purpose of this comparison is to explain the Palestinian view of the conflict. What would The Netherlands look like if the Dutch were conquered by the Frisians? Because Israel is about the same size as The Netherlands, this textual comparison really came to life for me. I decided to visualize the content by making a large infographic and translate the data accurately from the Middle East to the situation of The Netherlands. After showing the project to Luyendijk and nrc.next, the project got published in nrc.next. If you are interested, you can find the Dutch passage of Luyendijk's book here.

graduation project Willem de Kooning Academy
exhibition: Graphic Design Festival Breda, 2011
nominated: BNO Dutch Infographic Award 2010
year: 2010